India and China at Sea: A Contest of Status and Legitimacy in the Indian Ocean
-David Brewster
The writer David Brewster in his article, India and China at Sea: A Contest of status and Legitimacy in the Indian Ocean elaborates that the contestation between India and China in IOR might have impact on the security of the region. He examines the role of India and China in the Indian Ocean and tries to make readers understand the different perspectives of India & China in IOR. As for India, it claims the legitimate role in the Indian ocean, whereas China is reluctant to accept any such claims of Indian navy in the region. both India and China understand each other’s objectives and great power competition in the region. the article further maintains the Chinese and Indian aspirations in the IOR. The author demonstrates the pros and cons of India & China’s strategies in the Indian Ocean Region.
Brewster explains that, China’s main objective in Indian Ocean Region is to have control over the Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs). China is aware of the fact that the important chokepoints of SLOCs are subject to threat of piracy and attacks by states and non-state actors in the Indian Ocean. Any lack of action while controlling the SLOC can cause heavy damage to legitimacy of China in the IOR. China also has great investments in IOR which can form basis for China to maintain its role in the region. China’s military strategy in the IOR has great influence as the military capability has already outsourced Indian sphere of influence in the Indian Ocean. China is developing naval presence by establishing its naval bases in Africa, Asia, through One Belt One Road initiative.
The author also explains Indian perspective as a leading state in the Indian Ocean and that India considers presence of any other state such as China illegal in the Indian Ocean region. While India claims the dominance of Indian Ocean as its security and economic backyard, as it is the only region which is named after a single state. India persuades defensive approach in the Indian Ocean and justifies its claims baes on colonial school of thought, as labels in the Monroe Doctrine of India. The doctrine suggests that the military presence of outside powers must be limited and should be under dominance on regional manager India for security of the region. this is one of the prime objectives of India in the Indian Ocean to dominate the region. These aspirations of India are meant to become great regional power and to be seen as a security provider to the other states in the region.
The Sino-Indian cooperation is based on co-existence and competition in the IOR. The relations have diverse dynamics as the Chinese interests are perceived as encircling the Indian influence in the region. The growing Chinese naval strategies in the Indian ocean is one of the reasons that India establishes relations with United States and other counties. India collaborates with US to minimize China’s presence in the Indian Ocean. The Chinese naval influence in the region is perceived as major threat by India. There’s one element upon which India has advantage over China, and that is its Geography and close proximity to Indian Ocean. China has vulnerabilities in maintaining its naval forces in the region as it has to use small chokepoints for maintaining its sphere of influence in the region. This vulnerability of China is significant as it gives new dimension Sino-Indian relations. The writer develops an argument that in case of blockade by either side of India or China, it would have maritime setback for both states in the region. However, India tries to establish bargaining chip that complicates the Sino-Indian relationship in IOR.
China’s perspective regarding the presence of India in the Indian ocean differs from Indian perspective. China considers India as any other Asian states and doesn’t give much importance to India’s dominant perspective of legitimacy over the Indian Ocean. The only thing which attract china’s attention is the Indian military build-up on the strait of Malacca and its defence cooperation with other Southeast Asian states. China outlines India’s aspirations of considering Indian Ocean as its own and becoming South Asian hegemon. To counter such a policy China resists any such claims of India in the IOR. China pays little or no heed to India’s sensitivities about its activities in the Indian Ocean. China also maintains relation with close border neighbour of India, i.e. Pakistan. It is for the fact that China perceives that if India is free to maintain its relations with whatever state it wants, then China also has right to balance its relations with India by establishing relation with India’s rival Pakistan.
The writer concludes that that Chinese lack transparency related to its activities in the Indian ocean, including BRI projects can cause damage to China, as India doesn’t agree with the Strings of Pearl strategy of China. As India justifies that China didn’t make the policy stance clear and hence the BRI is not in national interest of India. This depicts that India might always oppose China’s strategies in the Indian Ocean. Wherein, China would also minimize India’s legitimacy in the Indian Ocean. These counter strategies of both states might cause long-term confrontation in the region. china is reluctant to co-opt India as strategic partner in IOR. Hence, it might cause unfavourable geostrategic environment for China in the Indian Ocean region.